The Catholic Worker has a commitment to a hands-on practical approach to the teachings of Jesus as outlined in the Beatitudes, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, and the Social Teachings of the church. From them we learn how to love God and our neighbor better.
In periods of economic recession, times are tough. The Catholic Worker is no exception. Funds are running low.
Each quarterly edition of the newspaper The Common Good costs nearly $2500 to print and mail. It is distributed free of charge. The remainder of our $20,000 annual budget is used for helping the poor and destitute from our three “houses of hospitality.
No wages are paid. All work is voluntary and freely given. The Catholic worker movement in New Zealand has been like this for 23 years. They do not seek funding from traditional sources.
This is an appeal to our general readers, especially those who have not contributed thus far, to respond to this annual appeal. Any amount will be gratefully received.
Should you wish to make a regular contribution, you can do so through the Te Wairua Maranga Trust Westpac account (03-1703-0036346-02). Like other Catholic Worker houses, no tax receipts will be issued, since we the Catholic Worker is neither a business nor a church social agency. We invite people to participate personally and unconditionally in the Spirit of Jesus