Recently, and to the surprise of many New Zealanders, John Key announced that the Government would be considering plans to allow a return to commercial whaling. The rationale for this decision is that it would be a diplomatic and progressive solution to the increasing problem of Japan’s so called ‘scientific’ whaling (a loophole in the 1986 moratorium). Many Kiwis feel this is a cop out from an important principal that we have stood for overt many years.
With New Zealand having such a strong voice in Anti-Whaling since our own end to the industry in 1964 many Kiwis feel strongly that our Government needs to keep up the pressure. Their is no doubt that with Japan’s huge economic and political might that ‘taking on the big boys’ is not easy, however NZ is no stranger to taking on the world for a good cause! Out friends next door in Australia are taking a strong stance with an indication they are willing to take Japan to court over the issue if action is not taken.
So take some time to sign up to one of the petitions below and let Japan know that we wont bow down to their pressure on commercial (or ‘scientific’!) whaling.
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Chris Carters petition to the Government to stop commercial whaling
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